I joined in September 2021
Are you an ICMA member, why did you join, and how long have you been a member?
Yes, I am an ICMA member. I joined in July 2021, and I was a member before that; however, it expired, and I rejoined this past summer 2021. Membership connects me to resources that I would otherwise not have readily accessible, training and credentialing opportunities, and endless resources relevant to the public sector. I particularly enjoy the PM Magazine.
Please describe your areas of formal/advanced education.
I earned my Master of Public Administration from the University of South Florida and earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Central Florida.
Why did you select a career in public service?
I came from the non-profit sector but wanted a change in my career position, and my opportunity came in the public sector. It all made sense for me where the story begins. Public service is truly a profession of service. Overall, it’s been a great experience with many opportunities within it.
Have you always been in the public sector or have you had experience in the private sector?
Before the public sector, I worked in the non-profit sector. When I moved to Tampa Bay Area, my entry position was at an Assisting Living Unit, and I developed activities for residents in the dementia unit. I moved on to the non-profit sector, starting as a case manager under the Ryan White program and gradually transitioning upward in non-profit to where I am now, a manager in the public sector.
Please tell us about your current position and give a brief job description if you are not a City Administrator/Manager.
Currently, I am a manager with Hillsborough County Social Services. I manage a block grant to provide service to economically insecure residents or residents at risk of becoming financially insecure. I manage a case management self-sufficiency program, external partnerships for the program I manage, crisis assistance for the elderly, and work alongside a grant mandated board that oversees the development and implementation of our self-sufficiency programs.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part is seeing fantastic outcomes with the customers we serve.
The goal is that they are better than when they enter our self-sufficiency programs. It is always great when my team sends me success stories of customers getting better-paid employment with benefits or obtaining a college degree or technical degree. And of course, I am happy when our funders and administration are happy. It’s reassurance that we are on the right track with the overall vision and mission of the county and department. Their continued support is essential.
What is your least favorite part of the job?
When funding does not meet the demand of customers needing services, with the COVID-19 pandemic and now with inflation, more people seek assistance to meet their basic needs.
What are your hobbies/interests?
I am a bookworm, so I enjoy reading. It is a little more difficult these days, so I listen to audiobooks most of the time. I am also interested in real estate, design and gardening.
If you could give one piece of advice to people interested in a career in public service, what would it be?
A piece of advice in public service is perception is reality and no matter the positions, it is important and in the public’s interest.
Do you have a story you can share about how being a member of FCCMA has helped you or impacted you in a positive way?
I enjoy meeting people from around the state and interacting. I joined the Membership Committee because it adds more personalization to such an extensive network. It was the right choice to join FCCMA.