I have been a member for over 20 years.
Are you an ICMA member? Why did you join, and how long have you been a member?
I am a member and received my 40-year recognition this year.
Please describe your areas of formal/advanced education.
B.S. from James Madison University, M.P.A. from University of Central Florida.
Why did you select a career in public service?
I blame my father. He was a long-time city manager.
Have you always been in the public sector, or have you had experience in the private sector?
99% in the public sector with a stint as the President of a golf course development company.
Please tell us about your current position and give a brief job description if you are not a City Administrator/Manager.
I am the Town Manager of Longboat Key, which is an island community of 7,500 full-time residents on the west coast of Florida. I report to a seven-member Commission.
Please describe your typical day.
Briefing/updating the Mayor and Commissioners, interacting with department heads and staff, and speaking to members of the public and the media.
What is your favorite part of the job?
Developing the team. Finding the right pieces to the puzzle is not always easy, especially when the puzzle picture can change due to evolving needs. Helping the team to feel empowered and preparing them for what’s ahead is stuff I like to do.
What is your least favorite part of the job?
I have never enjoyed the actual commission meetings, even though they have always been a regular part of the job and generally they have always gone well.
If you are involved in any volunteer or leadership activities in your community, please share with us a bit about what you do and why it is important to you.
I have chaired United Way Boards in two counties (and chaired campaigns in those counties), Chaired the Mental Health Association of Central Florida Board of Directors, Allegany Franciscan Ministries Common Good Board, Goodwill Industries of Central Florida Board Member, Florida Association of County Managers Board of Directors, and several others. I try to find things that will help make a difference in my piece of this world and if I can be a small part of that then I’m all in.
What is your most memorable experience on the job?
Any time I’ve had a member of the team thank me for helping them in their professional or personal development, that is when I know I’ve made a difference to them.
What are your hobbies/interests?
My wife is from Zimbabwe and a former backpacker so we enjoy traveling internationally and are often back in South Africa, which is where we were married.
If you could give one piece of advice to people interested in a career in public service, what would it be?
Trust in yourself and your team. You will face many unknowns in your career – have faith in yourself, that together with those around you, you’ll figure it out (even when you have no idea where to even begin).
Who were your mentors and how have you passed this information down to other aspiring public administrators?
I have been blessed to know some great city and county managers and to learn from them. But I’ve learned as much or more from elected officials, directors, managers, supervisors and regular employees. I have been a part of some very special leadership development and mentoring programs where I’ve tried to pay forward what’s been given to me.
What career would you pick if you were to pick another?
I always joke that I should have been a firefighter. One day on, two days off, retire at 45. Where did I go wrong?
Do you have a story you can share about how being a member of FCCMA has helped you or impacted you in a positive way?
Through awareness created by FCCMA, I had the opportunity to hire two managers who were in transition. Two of the best people anyone could have had the opportunity to work with and I learned so much from both of them. People who have gone through adversity have a perspective that helps them be in the moment, as they know all too well that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. As someone who is always thinking about tomorrow, being reminded that today is pretty special too was a blessing.