Dear FCCMA Members,
I’m excited to share some important updates and opportunities for your involvement with FCCMA.
2024 FCCMA Annual Conference: Mark your calendars! The 2024 FCCMA Annual Conference is shaping up to be an exceptional event. Our dedicated conference planning committee has been working tirelessly to bring you an outstanding program.
Registration is now open! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Don’t miss the chance to learn from renowned speakers like Stephen MR Covey, Crystal Washington, Mark Zeigler and Jeff Civilico. We’re finalizing the lineup for one more amazing speaker, so stay tuned! Visit the conference webpage and click on the speakers’ photos to learn more about them and their insights.
Secure your spot at the best rate by registering by May 10th to take advantage of the early bird registration discount.
Elections: The Nominating Committee is busy interviewing candidates for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. Once the slate is finalized, we’ll share it with the membership. The recommended slate of officers will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting on Friday, May 31st, during the Annual Conference.
April Webinar: Looking for an update on key Florida legislation? Don’t miss our Free Coaching Webinar on April 4th, 2024, at 2:00 pm ET. We’ll be recapping important bills impacting our cities and counties. Register now to secure your spot! Click here to register.
2024-2025 FCCMA Committees: Looking to get involved and contribute to the Association? Stay tuned! Sign-ups for FCCMA committees will open next month. Participating in a committee is a fantastic way to connect with colleagues, share your expertise, and contribute to shaping the future of FCCMA.
FCCMA Directory: We want to ensure our directory accurately reflects the entire FCCMA membership. To have your headshot included in the directory, please submit your headshot in jpeg or tiff format to fccma@flcities.com by June 28th, 2024.
I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to connect, learn, and contribute to our vibrant organization. As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions.