Presidential Address at the FCCMA Annual Conference
It is indeed an honor to be standing before you today. I am humbled, and I am truly grateful for this opportunity.
As some of you are aware, I began my local government employment as a janitor at the City of Jacksonville, NC’s Police Department not too long after being honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 1991.
Needless to say, you don’t go from janitor to Assistant County Administrator and President of FCCMA without the grace and assistance of many along the way who afforded opportunities and invested in your potential to grow professionally and as a person.
While the list of those who I owe gratitude is beyond measure, I will take some of this time to express my sincere appreciation to a few.
Mike Herr – I want to thank Mike, who as County Manager of Polk County, hired me as his Land Development Director in 2005. I was only a Planner I in Baltimore County at that time when Mike took the risk and gave me a career-changing opportunity. This was my beginning of Florida local government management and my real introduction into public servant leadership.
As County Manager, Mike always had something unique and positive to say about his directors, and that left a lasting impression within and has resonated with me throughout the years. Thank you, Mike!
Randy Reid – I want to thank Randy for hiring me as Assistant County Administrator for Sarasota County in 2012. This was my introduction to County Administration, for which I will be forever grateful. I can distinctly remember our interview during which Randy was totally convinced that Boy Scouts were equivalent to Special Forces Marines. Randy was the hiring authority, and I wanted the opportunity, so who was I to tell him that his perception of the Boy Scouts was a little biased.
Over the years, Randy has reached out to me with several professional opportunities out of a spirit of professional confidence and mutual respect, and that has meant a lot to me. Thank you, Randy!
Jonathan Lewis – One of my first interactions with Jonathan was a major disappointment. At the time, he was City Manager for the City of North Port, and I had negotiated a sweetheart agreement with his Deputy City Manager for the City to take ownership and maintenance responsibility for a dilapidated water fountain.
Shortly thereafter, Jonathan stepped in and killed the deal, an action I’m sure he secretly regretted several years after becoming County Administrator for Sarasota County.
Over the years, I have enjoyed Jonathan’s support, encouragement, coaching, mentorship, and “The Look!”
Please, let me explain “The Look.”
Jonathan has a way of saying: “I am not telling you what to do,” and then he would give you “The Look.” And whether it related to Sarasota County operations, FCCMA, ICMA, AICP, or even during playing Pickleball, as those who know him knows you don’t want too many of “The Look.”
One day, after serving my two-year term on the FCCMA Board, Jonathan said words to the effect: “I’m not telling you what to do, but you are going to self-nominate for the FCCMA Secretary-Treasurer, right?” And, gave me “The Look” and walked away.
I realize that this is a diverse multi-generational audience of managers and aspiring managers; so especially to you who are desirous of advancing vertically, I want to impress upon you that the path here was not direct; nonetheless, it was educational and one of satisfying service.
The first time I self-nominated for Secretary-Treasurer, Horace was selected, and I thought I had fulfilled the task. Then I got “The Look” again.
The second time around, Lori was selected. Again, I got “The Look.”
The third time Mike was selected. I did not wait for “The Look;” rather, I self-nominated for the forth time. And as they say, the rest is history.
Here I stand before you today in your service as FCCMA President. And, I look at this position as just that: It is not about me. IT IS A CALL TO SERVICE.
Thank you, Jonathan, for “The Looks,” the opportunities, and for trusting and believing in me.
I want to thank all former FCCMA Presidents for your commitment and dedication to local government management and servant leadership. Many of you encouraged and inspired me over the years and sparked the motivation that propelled me to be standing here today. Thank you!
I want to thank FCCMA staff for the magic you continually work behind the scenes to make things operate so seamlessly and look effortless. Thank you!
I want to thank the Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs, committee members, and consultants who committed to serving our Association in the past and have committed to serving in the coming years. Thank you!
I want to thank the Senior Advisors, past and present, for your decades of selfless service to our profession, and for coming back after retirement to continue to serve our Association. You are greatly appreciated.
I want to thank all the friends, colleagues, and Association members who have supported and encouraged me over the years. More importantly, I want to thank my family for their sacrifices, love, and never-wavering support of my professional growth and development. It has been a satisfying journey, and without you, it would have been difficult.
It is said that it takes a village to successfully raise a child. Well, you are the professional Managers, Deputies, Assistants, Staff, Association members, and Consultants who relentlessly put your shoulders to the plows daily to lead, manage, build, and operate the villages across the great state of Florida. Thank you! Your service is greatly appreciated.
I have been asked by many: What will your goals be as FCCMA President. I have thought about that long and hard, and as previously stated, it is not about me.
Consistent with the theme of this year’s Annual Conference, which is Professional Management Matters, my goal and focus will be to work with you, the Board, Officers, and members of the Association to reignite and reinforce support for the professional managers and the members of this great Association through the politically challenging times that we are facing.
We are going through a time, as professional managers and local government administrators and practitioners, when many of us are experiencing enormous levels of stress and anxiety brought on by shifts in the political climates we must perform in.
We are enduring disruptions and offenses against our professionalism and character. My goal is to work in unison with you to keep us focused on the principles and purpose of what our Association is founded upon, chief of which is: Professional Management Matters.
Professional Management cannot be effectively administered without professional managers and their staff feeling and knowing that there is a sound and dependable support structure around them. You matter!
As it has been rightly noted and stated on several occasions throughout this Annual Conference, we are living in, leading, and managing in a time when five generations are active in the workforce. And regardless of what generation you fall in, I want the Association to keep focused on the fact that Professional Management, Servant Leadership, and Community Building are the core of our profession and the bedrock of our calling.
There are tremendous strengths, resources, and opportunities within the diversity of our Association across all generations that can be drawn upon in the coming years to reinforce the value and credibility of professional management in the public’s eyes and that of elected officials. The pressures we are facing apply across the entire spectrum of the generations of managers and leaders and impact all.
Creating an environment that provides programs, services, – and, when practical and possible – policies that are supportive to the stability of our noble profession will be a focus over the coming year. And not just to support, but to also recognize and celebrate!
In closing, I am deeply humbled and honored by your support. I look forward to serving you, and to serving with you in the coming year and future years beyond my presidency in whatever capacity we can and will.
Thank you!
You matter!