I joined FCCMA in August 2019. Previously, I served primarily in an HR role for almost 20 years. In 2019, I started expanding to other areas including IT and Procurement, and FCCMA provided the resources I needed for the transition.
Please describe your areas of formal/advanced education.
While working toward a bachelor’s degree in public administration at the University of Central Florida (UCF), I began my career at the City of Casselberry as an Intern. I continued formal education to obtain a Master’s in Public Administration from UCF. I then turned my education focus toward professional certifications, and have received several certifications in human resources, labor relations and risk management fields.
Why did you select a career in public service?
I grew up being driven by serving others, so I found it very natural to move toward public service. However, I was watching a county commission meeting on SGTV (Seminole County’s channel) where I saw professionals presenting to elected officials, and it was then that I realized I wanted to be involved in public administration.
Have you always been in the public sector or have you had experience in the private sector?
I worked in preschool for ten years, starting when I was in high school. The lessons learned while working in a preschool are invaluable. Balancing the wants and needs of children with those of their parents, those of the business, and those of regulators provided great experience that help me today in balancing the needs of many parties with varying, and often opposite, interests.
Please tell us about your current position and give a brief job description if you are not a City Administrator/Manager.
As the City of Casselberry’s Administrative Services Director, I lead and support the City’s HR, Risk Management, IT, and Procurement staff and related responsibilities.
Please describe your typical day.
The daily activities are typical of a professional office job – meetings, phone calls, and emails. However, what I enjoy about my typical day is the variety that arises. I respond to many questions and provide many suggestions for which direction someone may want to go toward. The questions and situations vary greatly from simple questions regarding a policy to strategic solutions that affect the City’s workforce. The next person that walks into my office might be a citizen with a complaint, a new employee being introduced to me after their orientation, or a supervisor looking for ways to improve employee morale. They could come in screaming, crying, laughing or any combination. I enjoy each day being different throughout the day and different from every other day.
What is your favorite part of the job?
I am fortunate enough to have three favorites. As described in the previous question, I enjoy the variety of people and situations that I encounter each day – it’s impossible to get bored. Another favorite part of my job is the staff I get to work with. I get the privilege to supervise the best staff in the world and they make my job as easy and enjoyable as possible. And the next favorite part of my job is the autonomy and support that is provided by my City Manager. He provides the environment for me to thrive while providing support when it’s needed.
What is your most memorable experience on the job?
My most positive memorable experience was early in my career. The city repeated a challenging and administratively burdensome cycle each year to staff summer camp counselors. I helped the city develop a Seasonal Recreation Worker position that kept selected individuals employed year-round. While it was a simple solution, it solved several problems that had existed for many years and that were very frustrating to the recreation administrators. It was one of my first chances to step past transactional processes and make an impact in the public sector.
What are your hobbies/interests?
My family and I love camping. It’s a great opportunity to see places we might not otherwise see, to spend time with friends and family, and to take a break from work and chores.
Do you have a story you can share about how being a member of FCCMA has helped you or impacted you in a positive way?
Being a member of an association like FCCMA provides value and resources in many ways. I think the best way to get the most value is to serve on some of the committees or teams. Following that path, I volunteered for the FCCMA Awards and Scholarships Committee and I received much more value than expected. The creativity and analysis of the committee members is very impressive. Simple discussions often include unique insights and perspectives that any individual may not have thought of on their own. The comments show how valuable diversity in backgrounds and experience is for a team to be highly effective.