Happy Holidays FCCMA Members,
December is flying by, and I don’t know where the time is going. My holiday wish for everyone is to be able to spend some precious time with your family and friends and have an opportunity to relax. Tis’ the Season. Please enjoy it!
We have several items of interest to share with you for the New Year.
Our January Webinar titled “Developing a Culture of Data-informed Performance Management” will be offered on January 12, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. It covers ICMA Practice Areas: 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12.
Our FCCMA Photo Contest is kicking off! This contest offers a unique opportunity for a Florida community to be featured on the cover of the 2023-2024 FCCMA Membership Directory, as well as the FCCMA Website and social media profiles. Your community may submit ONE photo. The deadline for submitting your photo online is January 13. Then the voting begins! The community photo that receives the most votes WINS. You can have a lot of fun with this contest. It’s a great community engagement opportunity. Blast it on your social media, your city/county marquees, newsletters, message boards, to friends and family, etc. and encourage everyone to VOTE. This is also a tremendous opportunity for folks to learn about our association!
Our FCCMA Scholarship Program offers up to four academic-based scholarships: 1) B. Harold Farmer Scholarship ($5,000); 2) The Raymond C. Sittig Scholarship ($5000); 3) Aspiring Professional Manager Scholarship (two scholarships @ $2500). Recipients are chosen based on their ability to demonstrate their understanding and support of local government management and the principles on which each scholarship was founded. FCCMA also offers three Emerging Leaders Conference Scholarship to public administration students and entry-level city and county management staff members interested in continuing their academic and professional development as local government administrators. Spread the word in your organization. We all know the importance of providing growth and professional development opportunities to our young leaders.
Lastly, our Winter Institute registration is still open for full members only. There are only 10 slots remaining. The program will take place in Clearwater Beach on February 9-10, 2023. You can register here.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!!