"Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA)"

March 18, 2016

Attorney John Herin, from Gray/Robinson, and Engineer Curt Keyser, from Calvin, Giordano and Associates, will jointly present an informative program on Florida's Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA). Over the last year, FCCMA has offered similar programs around the state but this is the first time it's being offered in south Florida. Attendees of this program will benefit from the comprehensive approach taken to cover both the engineering and the legal aspects of this important mandate. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and engage the presenters in discussions on "real examples" along with the challenges and pitfalls that are part of complying with the CCNA process. Whether you are a City or County Manager or Purchasing Director, or both, or anyone else interested or involved in the process of selecting professional firms to provide services, you want to make time to register for this training and to spend some time with your colleagues over lunch.


  • Attorney John Herin, Partner with Gray/Robinson
  • Curt Keyser, P.E., Director of Engineering, Calvin, Giordano, & Associates


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