Annual Conference

The Annual Conference is held each year in May/June. The conference provides outstanding educational and networking opportunities to meet and interact with other local government officials.

The 2025 Annual Conference will be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal Boulevard in Orlando from May 29 – May 31, 2025.

Exhibitor and Sponsor sign up is now open. Click here for the Exhibitor/Sponsor Packet. FCCMA Member registration is open.

Winter Institute

The Winter Institute is a day-and-a-half interactive conference for FCCMA full members. It is limited to 100 FCCMA members and 10 corporate attendees who were previously full members. It is designed to be an intense, interactive workshop for Florida’s city and county managers and assistants.

FCCMA will hold its 2026 Winter Institute February 25-27, Hard Rock Hotel Daytona Beach, 918 North Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach.


The Symposium is held each year in the fall. It is a half-day workshop focused on one topic such as ethics.

Occasionally, FCCMA will also hold a symposium in the spring.


Webinars offer free training to both members and non-members through the Florida League of Cities and the Professional Development Committee. All webinars are held on the first Thursday from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Eastern Time.

To access previous webinars click here.

Onsite Trainings

Onsite trainings which are regional trainings are hosted in your back yard by FCCMA’s District Directors, to provide a forum for local government administrators and staff to obtain hands-on training on current and pending local government issues. These trainings were created to reduce travel training costs and eliminate training facility overhead costs.

ICMA Practice Area Training Opportunities

ICMA 14 core areas critical for effective local government leadership and management