FCCMA Policy for Support of Members-In-Transition
Click here for the current MIT list.
FCCMA MIT Transition Guide – 2012
Supplemental Resource Guide 2021 for MITs and FCCMA Members by Kurt Bressner
FCCMA Policy for Support of Members-In-Transition
Click here for the current MIT list.
FCCMA MIT Transition Guide – 2012
Supplemental Resource Guide 2021 for MITs and FCCMA Members by Kurt Bressner
1. Dues While in Transition:
a. FCCMA dues will be waived for a period of three fiscal years for a member-in-transition who meets the above-described criteria. During this time, the MIT must sign the annual dues waiver including the pledge to the Code of Ethics.
b. The eligibility for MIT benefits will be provided in six (6) month increments. Every six months Members-In-Transition will be contacted via email and required to verify they are still an MIT actively seeking employment by pursuing local government positions throughout the state and/or in other states, provinces or countries having members of a professional local government management association. If no response is received within 15 business days, an MIT will be deemed employed, removed from the MIT list and invoiced for dues.
2. Financial Assistance for MITs to Attend the Conference
Keeping in close contact with fellow FCCMA members is very important during the time of transition; therefore, the FCCMA Board has approved a policy to help members-in-transition attend the annual FCCMA conference. The financial assistance provided for the annual conference is:
a. Waiver of conference registration fees for up to 3 years.
b. 100 % of the hotel room rate for Annual Conference
c. No meal reimbursement will be provided.
d. Any additional training classes, activities, etc. will be the financial responsibility of the MIT attendee.
3. Financial Assistance for MITs to Attend Onsite Training Sessions and Audio Training
For MITs it is difficult, yet important, that they remain current with trends and issues; network with fellow managers; promote professional development; and have opportunities to maintain their Credentialed Manager status. Therefore, FCCMA will provide the following assistance for MITs:
a. Complimentary registration to attend FCCMA onsite training sessions for up to 3 years.
4. Members in Transition Handbook
A handbook which contains pertinent information to MITs is emailed to FCCMA members that are about to be unemployed or are already unemployed. This handbook will be available to all FCCMA members on the FCCMA website.
5. Publication of MIT List
While Member-In-Transition are allowed to stay on the MIT list for three years and after the three-year period will not be eligible for financial assistance under the MIT Program, they will, however, be allowed to have their name remain on the MIT list for an additional year if their annual dues are paid and they remain a member in good standing.
6. Posting of MIT Resumes at FCCMA Website
FCCMA registered MITs who are members of FCCMA are eligible to participate and the process has been outlined by the Committee for the Executive Director and staff to administer.
An acknowledgement and disclaimer will be completed by each user and will be kept on file. Similarly, a disclaimer will be posted on the website for all posted items.
Recognizing that it is the responsibility of all FCCMA members—especially members of the Board of Director—to notify the FCCMA staff immediately upon learning that a member is in transition, the MIT Committee and the Board have established the following guidelines to assist in this effort:
a. Any member who learns of another member who is in danger of being unemployed or is already unemployed should notify FCCMA staff as soon as possible.
b. Senior advisors/staff will then call the member to offer assistance, explain FCCMA’s support programs, and learn of the particulars of the members’ situation.
c. Staff will send the prepared MIT packet of information to the member.
d. Staff will notify the MIT Committee and the Board of Directors who will also contact the member.
e. MIT Committee members, Board of Directors and other FCCMA members are encouraged to keep in touch with the member-in-transition within their respective districts to offer support.
f. The membership is encouraged to hire MITs for special projects and/or interim positions whenever possible.
g. If there is a local managers’ group that meets on a regular basis, MITs should be encouraged to attend as a means of keeping in contact with peers and up to date on current issues.
h. FCCMA encourages local/regional associations (PBCCMA, BCCMA, etc.) to waive their membership dues and other fees for a period of three fiscal years for a member-in-transition who meets the above described criteria.
MIT Members enjoy waived FCCMA dues.
MIT Members receive FREE Onsite Training Session.
MIT Members receive 100% off Room Rates.
MIT Members receive FREE Conference registration.
MIT Members receive business to skill set matching.