A webinar will be held on Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The topic discussed will be “So You Want to be a City/County Manager?.”
This is a condensed version of the full-day “So You Want to Be a City/County Manager?” that FCCMA offers each year as part of its annual conference. This beneficial webinar will focus on how young and mid-career professionals, and students can prepare themselves to progress in the local government management profession. Panelists will share their stories, discuss strategies that have worked for them and describe “lessons learned” in their careers. This is a very informal and interactive session so questions from attendees will be encouraged.
If you are a student or young professional that aspires to work in local government management, this is a must session for you. If you are a mid-career or more experienced local government professional, this webinar will be helpful for you as well, because of the numerous changes that are occurring in terms of what young people are looking for, how they seek employment and how best to fill the void created by the baby boomer retirements.
- Yocelyn Galiano, Pinecrest Village Manager
- Carl Harness, Hillsborough County Human Services Administrator
- Adam Reichbach, Margate Executive Assistant to the City Manager
This webinar will cover ICMA Practice Area 18: Personal Development.
Access Information:
Webinar: http://florida.adobeconnect.com/coaching
Select the radio button next to the “Enter as a Guest”.
Dial-In: 1-877-685-5350
Passcode: 461944
If you have never attended a FCCMA Coaching Program Webinar before:
Test your connection: http://florida.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
Get a quick overview: http://www.adobe.com/go/connectpro_overview