“Government Fund accounting is confusing to many government employees, including those responsible for administration of program budgets and finances. The numerous requirements that local governments must follow in terms of financial formats, reporting, and controls adds to the confusion because most employees are not involved with these details; albeit understanding how this works is a requisite for truly understanding local government finance in Florida. Sarah Koser will provide a “plain speak” presentation that will assist webinar attendees to better understand financial reporting and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This informative and concentrated presentation will explain what you need to know as a local government manager, department head, or student of Florida local government on this important subject.”
- Sarah Koser, Deputy Finance Director, The Villages Community Development District
The webinar will be held December 3 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET. Go to: http://florida.adobeconnect.com/coaching. The dial-in number is 1-(877) 685-5350 and the passcode is 461944.
FCCMA encourages your participation in the phone panel discussions by asking questions. If you prefer, you may submit questions anonymously via email to fccma@cflge.org either in advance or during the discussion.