Carl Smart
How long have you been a FCCMA member? Approximately two years.
Are you an ICMA member and if so, how long? Five years.
Please describe your areas of formal/advanced education. B.S. Management; M.S. Sustainability/Economics.
What got you interested in public service? Opportunity to be of service and job stability.
What is your current occupation? Assistant County Manager for Public Safety and Community Service.
Please give a brief job description. Provide oversight and direction to several departments in county government, including Fire Rescue, Court Services and Community Support services. Assist the County Manager in carrying out duties as assigned by the Board of County Commission. Attend Board meeting and community meetings as directed to receive input and provide information, and insure follow-up on tasks as assigned.
Please describe your typical day. Meetings with staff, meeting of the Board of County Commission, reviewing and responding to emails and phone calls, reviewing reports from directors and provide feedback.
What is your favorite part of the job? Meeting other citizens and learning more about the community, the great aspects, as well as the problems, and working together to find solutions.
What is your least favorite part of the job? Disciplinary actions on employees.
What is your most memorable experience on the job? Working day and night at the Emergency Operations Center during Hurricane Irma.
What are hobbies/interests? Reading, singing, racquetball, tennis, church activities.
If you could give one piece of advice to young people interested in a career in public service, what would it be? Make sure you have a passion for working with people and for solving problems on a community-wide basis.
Who were your mentors and how have you passed this information down to other young public administrators? Several city managers and other public officials have been my mentors, including Marc Ott, the current CEO of ICMA. I have tried to pass on information through conference training sessions, networking with youth, community and church forums, working with interns, etc.
Have you always been in the public sector or have you had experience in the private sector? I have a limited amount of private sector experience, through a construction company and a manufacturing position.
What career would you pick if you were to pick another? Teaching at the college level.