On March 26, 2019, ICMA@FIU hosted a meet and greet event with the local government officials. The purpose of the event was to bridge the gap between academia and practitioners and to provide an opportunity for students to learn more about their local government officials and their roles in the community. Town Manager Alex Rey formerly from Miami Lakes, Town Manager Rafael Casals from Cutler Bay, and City Manager John Flint from the City of Weston gave an overview of their respective roles and responsibilities and encouraged students to get involved with their local governments. Carla Mays (Head of Research at SmartCohort), and David Capelli (Director of Business Development at SmartCohort) gave a presentation on Transportation Camp Florida. Following the introductions, attendees interacted with the government officials and asked questions about involvement within the local government. The event had about 45 students from Florida International University, University of Miami, and Florida Atlantic University.