Below, you will find information related to the ethics requirements of FCCMA members, which was the original intention of this newsletter article. With Hurricane Dorian approaching the State of Florida as a major hurricane, I first want to wish all of you, your families and your communities well over the next few days. FCCMA members provide critical leadership and expertise in preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergency events such as hurricanes. I know your communities can count on you to help guide them through this latest challenge. I will keep all of you in my thoughts. Stay safe.
Now, for the rest of the article…
Several years ago, the Board felt it was important to require ethics training of FCCMA members. Prior to this decision, the legislature had mandated elected officials must complete four hours of ethics training each year. The Board felt FCCMA members should be held to the same standard and the requirement demonstrates the value of local government management and the focus on ethics within the profession.
Florida has some of the strongest ethics, public meetings and public records laws nationally. When this is coupled with the ICMA Code of Ethics, this requirement demonstrates that local public management employees have the strongest commitment to the code and to the laws of Florida.
This is an annual requirement and must be completed by September 30th each year. Members may use any ethics training (such as city and county ethics trainings) to count toward this requirement.
Members record their training when they pay their dues in the new fiscal year. If you are paying online, you can attest, electronically, that you have completed your four hours of training when you pay your dues. If paying by check, you will simply sign the dues statement attesting you have completed the requirement.
Please contact FCCMA staff if you have any questions regarding this requirement.