![Horace 400x480](https://fccma.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Horace-400x480-1.jpg)
The Board recently revisited our strategic plan and affirmed FCCMA’s mission “to support practitioners of local government and the cities/counties they serve in Florida through innovation, best practices and a strong code of ethics.” Our core principles were identified as:
- Local government excellence is best supported through the advancement of professional management;
- Ethics is the foundation for professional management; and
- Professional management is promoted and enhanced by embracing inclusion, acceptance, and diversity of ideas.
We echo the mission and principles in the activities planned for this year. Last year our routine activities were significantly curtailed in a pandemic environment, but we look forward to returning to in-person normalcy and service delivery. I wanted to remind you that we have various committees specifically designed to support our members’ needs and the issues relevant to our environment while simultaneously advancing the Strategic Plan.
Our Professional Development, Conference Planning, and Winter Institute committees have already started the process of charting the training and development needs that are so critical to our profession. The Fall Symposium is currently planning a virtual event with an ethics-based topic to help members meet their annual ethics requirements. The committees are still open to ideas for the monthly webinars, district trainings, and other training opportunities. If you have topics you would like considered or best practices you would like to share, please feel free to pass them on to staff.
The Communications Committee will highlight best practices, member profiles, legislative updates, and other means of outreach to our members. Our Membership Committee focuses on membership expansion, retention, and support. One of their focuses will be to increase awareness of the opportunities that FCCMA provides and encourage professionals who are not members to join. The Awards & Scholarship Committee recognizes individuals for award programs and scholarships offered at our Annual Conference or by ICMA. For a more comprehensive list of the various committees and their assignments, feel free to check out our redesigned website fccma.org.
I am looking forward to members becoming engaged on the various committees and actively participating in them. I would also hope that as members develop a recognition of the benefits offered by FCCMA, they will encourage other professionals who are not FCCMA members to participate in these benefits.