have been an FCCMA member for two years. I joined FCCMA to be part of an intimate forum with those who share many of the same circumstances, opportunities and challenges that face cities today and to really have open dialogue about the public service sector.
Are you an ICMA member – why did you join?
I have been an ICMA member for approximately 10 years. I got involved with ICMA because this group is comprised of government leaders who share their knowledge, expertise and experience as it pertains to local governments and the benefits of having such wisdom at your fingertips is immense.
Areas of formal/advanced education
I have served as a civil servant for over 23 years in the Pinellas County area. Following my service with Pinellas County I spent eight years as Pinellas Park’s Public Works Administrator before I was appointed to City Manager of Pinellas Park. Throughout my time at the city, I have had the opportunity to spearhead the accreditation of the entire Public Works Department with the American Public Works Association. I also have had the opportunity to serve on many non-profit boards, where I have met some outstanding community stakeholders and have built lifelong relationships.
Why did you select a career in public service?
Having come of age as the son of a police officer I learned early on how important public service really is. Helping others, especially those in need was always at the forefront of my family. When I started my career in public service it was easy for me to identify various problems and provide solutions. Pitching in and establishing a sense of community, I feel, has always just come natural to me. I don’t want to just live in a community – I want to be a part of it.
Have you always been in the public sector, or have you worked in the private sector too?
I have spent my whole career in the public sector, and I enjoy what I do every day. Let’s just say there is never a dull moment.
Tell us about your current position (brief job description)
Currently, I serve as the City Manager for the City of Pinellas Park. My duties and responsibilities are to ensure the efficient operations of all city functions, which includes the appointment of employees or administrative officers; direction and supervision of the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies of the City; and participation at all City Council meetings.
Further, I am responsible for enforcement and execution of all laws and acts of the City Council, preparation and presentation of the annual operating budget, Capital Improvement Program, service improvement plan and any other reports requested by the City Council.
I serve our City Council as an advisor of all financial affairs of the City and make appropriate recommendations relative to the business of the City.
Describe a typical day.
I had to chuckle when I saw this question. A typical day is very planned out, organized and scheduled until you walk into the office that morning. The quote that comes to mind is “The best–laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” There are definitely some days where your schedule and your plans for the day must change because of this or that. As much as I enjoy well planned out days – I also enjoy the chaotic ones too. That’s what makes this job exciting – is that no two days are alike.
What is your favorite part of the job?
Hands down the people I get to interact with every day! The staff is great. The community is great. Our Mayor and City Council are great. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a very supportive, compassionate and hardworking network of people.
What is your least favorite part about the job?
My least favorite part about the job is that sometimes you have to be bad guy. You have to deal with staffing issues when they arise and you have to deliver bad news – like spending money unexpectedly because of an emergency issue that wasn’t budgeted. Regardless, in the end that is part of the job and it is all a part of doing the right thing for the City.
Volunteer and Leadership?
There are a lot of social and business-related issues near and dear to my heart that I have had the opportunity to be a part of and hopefully, have had a positive impact. I serve on the executive boards of the PACE Center for Girls, Career Source of Pinellas, The Pinellas Gateway Chamber of Commerce and the Public Service Education Foundation. I am also a member of the Kiwanis Club of Pinellas Park and People Helping People.
Most memorable experience?
The most memorable experience I have had in my capacity as City Manager was when one of our police officers was shot in the line of duty. When I got that call it was as if one of my family members had been shot. That was the realist day and the longest day that I have had in my current role. Thankfully, our officer made a full recovery – but it was a very scary and solemn experience to say the least.
Hobbies and interests?
I love everything outdoors. I enjoy fishing and hunting. I even enjoy farming. I often joke when I grow up I want to be a farmer.
Advice to someone interested in public service?
My advice to anyone interested in public service is YES! In fact, my daughter has recently expressed interest in pursuing a career in the public sector and I encourage it and support it.
Who were your mentors and why?
My father was definitely one of my greatest mentors – I always admired his commitment to protect and serve our community as well as his ability to lead and provide for the family. I also was fortunate to have the guidance of several coaches who taught me at a young age to work diligently and strive to inspire others.
What career would you pick if you had to pick another?
I would definitely stay in the public sector – perhaps something in law enforcement and follow in my father’s footsteps as well as my brothers, who are also police officers.