How long have you been an FCCMA member and why did you join?
I have been a member since 2019.
Are you an ICMA member? Why did you join, and how long have you been a member?
I am not.
Why did you select a career in public service?
It started as an entry-level job 36 years ago and blossomed into a career in public service that has spanned my life. I truly love being a public servant.
Have you always been in the public sector, or have you had experience in the private sector?
Yes, but I have done some work in the private sector.
Please tell us about your current position and give a brief job description if you are not a City Administrator/Manager.
I serve as the Director of Public Works. My team is responsible for all things that occur in the ROW, in addition to Solid Waste, Mining, and Mosquito and Aquatic Weed Control. We are responsible for the 8th largest road network in Florida. We are comprised of approximately 300 full-time staff.
Please describe your typical day.
Messaging for the team, meetings with division managers, keeping our administration apprised of any developing situations, and discussing hot topics with members of the community and elected officials.
What is your favorite part of the job?
I love being part of an amazing team that serves the public and solves complex infrastructure and funding challenges.
What is your least favorite part of the job?
The heaviness that comes with the long-term recovery of a post-disaster event.
If you are involved in any volunteer or leadership activities in your community, please share with us a bit about what you do and why it is important to you.
I serve in any capacity that I am asked for in our County’s leadership development program, which includes mentoring young leaders.
What is your most memorable experience on the job?
There are far too many to list, but anytime we can make the public happy with our work. I also am really proud of becoming an accredited agency with the American Public Works Association. As part of that process, we were given multiple model practice endorsements.
What are your hobbies/interests?
I am a professional photographer who has really gotten into drone photography and videography. I also love the outdoors and take pride in my bonsai collection. Exercise is also one of my interests.
If you could give one piece of advice to people interested in a career in public service, what would it be?
It will not be a job where you gain great wealth. But having served the public for 36 years, I have loved my work, and it has never felt like a job.
Who were your mentors and how have you passed this information down to other aspiring public administrators?
There are too many to list, but I credit Alan Holbach with instilling in me a servant leadership style and how to care about my team and what motivates them.
What career would you pick if you were to pick another?
I have loved Public Works and the amazing life and opportunities it has afforded me.
Do you have a story you can share about how being a member of FCCMA has helped you or impacted you in a positive way?
I think any organization offers the benefit of shared knowledge and the relationships that result from shared experiences.