2017 North Miami Beach Onsite Training Session

April 21, 2017

“Ethics and the Florida Local Government Professional”

Annual ethics training is now a state mandate for all city and county elected officials in Florida. Questions regarding the legal application of these requirements should be addressed by your city or county attorney, as applicable. Yet, on a day-to-day basis, when ethical issues arise, far too often, elected officials are forced to seek immediate guidance/advise, not from the City Attorney, but from the local manager or other key staff members. Moreover, local government employees are also required to adhere to many of the same ethical constraints that elected officials must comply with and, again, they too seek guidance/advise from their local government manager or other key staff members. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the local manager and his/her staff to understand the fundamental requirements that the state has legislated upon local officials and employees. This FCCMA training is offered, in conjunction with the Dade and Broward Manager organizations, to provide that needed training for managers and their staff responsible for applying these statutes. This is intended to be an interactive session and the training satisfies the four-hour ethics training that FCCMA now requires annually for their members.

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