Hello FCCMA Members:
Registration for the FCCMA Annual Conference is now open. I hope you all plan to attend. We are all facing the challenge of finding and retaining good talent. Our Speed Networking session will allow organizations seeking quality candidates to connect with those seeking new opportunities. The casual environment makes it easy to get to know one another and will hopefully provide an opportunity to find that perfect candidate or job you have been seeking.
On Wednesday, we will offer our So You’re Going to Be a City/County Manager session again. The panelists provide invaluable advice and wisdom on what it took for them to reach the top seat. Some also talk about why they chose not to go for the top seat and how great it is to be a career assistant. You will not want to miss it! Our Friday night social will be at Topgolf at 6:30 pm. This event is for the entire family. If you are bringing a family member or guest, you must ensure they are registered.
Lastly, our Resume Review sessions are available by appointment on Thursday and Friday. You can have a Senior Advisor or recruitment professional review your resume and provide expert advice. Don’t forget these events, while complimentary, require pre-registration, so be sure to register for them when you are registering for the conference or email mhowe@flcities.com if you’ve already registered for the conference.
On another topic, this month, we will be offering two webinars. Our monthly free coaching webinar will be held on May 4th at 2:00 pm and is on “Recruitment and Retention in the Public Sector: Post-Covid and During High Inflationary Times.” Click here to register for the recruitment webinar. Our May 25th webinar titled “Florida’s Insurance Market Hot Topic: Property Insurance” will guide attendees through how the current trends in property insurance are impacting rates and can be registered for here.
We have scheduled our last New Member Welcome for the program year for May 4th at 3:30 pm. It is designed to help new members become acquainted with their Board, Committees, FCCMA events and learn about all the resources available through their FCCMA membership. Please register today to join us.
Summer is fast approaching. See you soon, in June!