I joined FCCMA in 2018 because I wanted to take full advantage of all the resources available to me to better serve my community. After becoming the City Manager in 2016, I understood the importance of networking and had learned about the great training opportunities available to those in the profession through FCCMA.
Are you an ICMA member? Why did you join, and how long have you been a member?
I joined ICMA in 2018. Joining both FCCMA and ICMA for professional growth and to expand my network.
Why did you select a career in public service?
In my youth I was fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in a summer recreation program in Auburndale, Florida. This is where I got to see the Parks and Recreation department in action, and where I enjoyed learning about the community programs offered during this time. This helped guide me in the direction of becoming a Parks and Recreation Director later in my career.
Have you always been in the public sector, or have you had experience in the private sector?
I have mainly worked in the public sector since 1983.
Please tell us about your current position.
I am the City Manager for the City of Davenport, a full-service city that has a population of approximately 18,000 residents. I oversee approximately 100 employees and a general budget of $45.6 million.
Please describe your typical day.
I start out my day like most others, by checking my voicemails, emails, returning calls, followed by a few meetings, and going out in the field to meet with directors on projects that are currently underway. My goal every day is to make sure the needs or concerns of the residents are being answered.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is to be able to provide a great city for residents where they can live, work, and play via city annual events, facility amenities, and great customer service.
What is your least favorite part of the job?
My least favorite part would be parting or having to terminate employees.
If you are involved in any volunteer or leadership activities in your community, please share with us a bit about what you do and why it is important to you.
I serve on the Northeast Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Northeast Chamber is committed to taking a leadership role in supporting the business community and improving the quality of life in greater Northeast Polk region.
What is your most memorable experience on the job?
My most memorable experience on the job was when we were able to complete the Tom Fellows Community Center. It is a wonderful thing to be able to provide a place for our residents to enjoy community amenities instead of having to go to other neighboring communities. To be able to see that from start to finish, it truly was a rewarding experience.
What are your hobbies/interests?
I enjoy camping, fishing, and hunting outdoors.
If you could give one piece of advice to people interested in a career in public service, what would it be?
I would recommend for them to get started early in their career and to also find a workplace that aligns with your values that will allow you to grow your public service career. Of course, finding one that offers a pension is a plus.