Your Access to ICMA Webinars and Training Tips

By Lynn Tipton, FCCMA Executive Director Your statewide association has partnered with the ICMA Coaching Program for six webinars per year.  As an FCCMA member you may attend each one for FREE, and can use the opportunity to bring in as many of your staff as an audience as you wish!  To maximize this benefit,…

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Karla Llanos, FCCMA Student Member

How long have you been a FCCMA member? I have been a FCCMA member since December 2014. Robert E. Lee, not the Commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862, but Dr. Lee from Florida Gulf Coast University is the person responsible for persuading me to join the…

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Kansas City is the Heartland of America

The ICMA Host Committee invites you to visit the Greater Kansas City Region, for the 102nd Annual Conference, September 25-28, 2016.  Why Kansas City?  Because Kansas City is the heartland of America and a perfect locale to gather local government professionals. The Greater Kansas City Region is a fourteen-county metropolitan area located at the junction…

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February 2016 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. Deborah Wells Faust, District VIII, Organization & Employee Development Manager, Polk County, Affiliate Member; Roger Hernstadt, District VI, City Manager, City of Marco Island, Full…

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FCCMA Website Update

FCCMA is in the process of redesigning our website. We’ll be upgrading to a software that is more mobile-friendly while also making it easier on you, the member, to find what you’re looking for. In order to make our website as functional as possible, we need your feedback.  Our site is filled with lots of…

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“Waters of the US” Rules have Significant Impacts

By Kurt Spitzer, Executive Director, Florida Stormwater Association On August 28, 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers published final rules revising the definitions of Waters of the United States or “WOTUS.”  If implemented as adopted, the new regulations will result in very significant impacts on Florida’s city and county governments, and…

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January 2016 Innovation Edge

By Sallie Ann Burnett, East Regional Director, Alliance for Innovation What do an onion, fire pumpers and public records have in common for the city of Phoenix?   These are just a few of the topics that have been deeply discussed and examined for the past year as part of Phoenix’s “CORE” – Comprehensive Organizational Review…

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