May 2018 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. David Bridle, District III, Masters of Public Administration, University of Central Florida, Student Member; J.D. Cox, District III, City Manager, City of Longwood, Full Member;  James…

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April 2018 President’s Message

The ICMA Southeast Regional Conference was held in Mountain Brook, AL last week. The annual vote was held by representatives of the eleven southeast states for one of the three ICMA Southeast Board members. I was surprised to find that there were only two applicants from the Southeast Region. We have several rules about who…

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2018 Palm Coast Onsite Training Session

Attendees gathered at the onsite training session in Palm Coast on April 20 to learn how the City of Palm Coast has improved its perception of public service. The city believes that changing the perception of local government needs to be a grassroots effort through real experiences with the next generation. Attendees learned how the…

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Growth Management Workshops in Indian River and Pinellas Counties

Two additional Growth Management Workshops will be held in June in Indian River and Pinellas counties. Indian River County: On Thursday, June 7, there will be a growth management planning officials training and on Friday, June 8, there will be a planning administration best practices series. To register, click here. Pinellas County: On Wednesday, June…

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April 2018 Innovation Edge

By Sallie Ann Burnett, East Regional Director, Alliance for Innovation About 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 every day over the next 19 years!! Even at retirement, they are looking to retain meaning and purpose in their lives. Is your community ready for this wave of talent? Are your nonprofits ready with meaningful volunteer opportunities?  Attend the…

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