May 2015 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. Lonnie Ballard, District I, Assistant City Manager, City of Tallahassee, Full Member; Dr. Chris Beverly, District II, Masters of Public Administration, University of North Florida,…

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The Association’s Public Face: Thank you, Lynn Lovallo!

By Lynn Tipton, Executive Director We are about six weeks away from the annual conference!  Thank you if you have already registered; we look forward to seeing you at the Royal Pacific at Universal in Orlando.  One of the conference highlights will be our annual business meeting luncheon, and the awards program later in the…

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FCCMA Program Year 2015-2016 Committees

Do you want to becomee more involved and be part of the great work that FCCMA does through its committees? Then sign up today for a committee that interests you. The PY 2015-2016 Committees include Awards, Communications, Conference Planning and Winter Institute, Diversity and Inclusion, Fiscal and Administrative Policy, Legislative, Membership, Members-in-Transition, Professional Development/Training and…

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Senior Advisor Program Changes

By Kurt Bressner, ICMA-CM, Senior Advisor Coordinator Over the past 12 months there have been substantial changes to the Florida Senior Advisor Program. First, we are no longer called Range Riders, a name associated with the program for nearly 40 years. The national program at ICMA changed the name in 2014. Senior Advisors are retired city…

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Reminder for the Big Data/Open Data Survey

If you have not yet taken the big data/open data survey, there is still time. The response rate was low and in order to be able to make any broad inferences from the responses, FCCMA needs your help. This survey was sent to all FCCMA managers, deputies and assistants on March 23. Given the international…

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Free Consultations at the FCCMA 2015 Annual Conference

Resume Review: Colin Baenziger, Baenziger and Associates; and The Mercer Group professional recruiters, will meet one-on-one with attendees.  They will review your resume and offer helpful ways you may improve it based on what councils are requiring in this day and time.  Thursday appointment hours will be 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Friday appointment hours…

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Bond Basics 101 Webinar on May 7, 2015

A webinar will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The topic discussed will be “Bond Basics 101.” As communities consider funding for capital projects (buildings, roads, and other infrastructure), decisions need to be made on how best to fund these projects. Some are better financed with a “pay…

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Practice Areas for the FCCMA 2015 Annual Conference

Are you a credentialed manager or candidate and need to keep track of your professional development hours? This conference will address most ICMA Practice Groups. Below is a list of the sessions at the annual conference and the ICMA Practice Area covered at each session. This list is provided prior to the conference so that…

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