FCCMA Upcoming Deadlines

Please note the following FCCMA deadlines: Board Self-Nominations Due January 29, 2015 FCCMA Award Nominations Due February 2, 2015 FCCMA Academic Scholarship Application Due February 16, 2015 FCCMA Emerging Leaders Scholarship Application Due February 16, 2015 If you have any questions regarding these deadlines, please contact Carol Russell at (850) 701-3607 or crussell@flcities.com.

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Ambassador Announcement

The FCCMA is excited to announce the launch of its Florida Ambassador Program. In 2010, the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) launched an initiative focused on raising awareness of the contributions of professional local government managers, to the communities they serve. The full Life, Well Run campaign rolled out the following year, and with that,…

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Congratulations Rex Taylor on your Retirement!

FCCMA congratulates Rex Taylor, South Palm Beach Town Manager, on his retirement at the end of December. George Brown, FCCMA District IV Director, Boca Raton Deputy City Manager, presented Rex with a resolution honoring him for his service to FCCMA. The resolution was presented to Rex at his last council meeting on December 15. The…

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