How Come I Didn’t Know This When I was a City Manager?

Continue the tradition by joining us for this year’s Career Development Luncheon. This event is back by popular demand and will showcase Mike Abels, Instructor at the University of Central Florida, who has ‘earned his stripes’ in the profession. Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear about his career as a city manager while networking…

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FCCMA Committees

Each week The Manager e-Newsletter will feature one of FCCMA’s committees describing the tasks and responsibilities for the featured committee. Be a part of the great work that FCCMA does through its committees by signing up for a committee that interests you. Most committee work is done via conference call . The Awards Committee is…

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Flood Insurance and Your Community

The Florida Association of Counties (FAC) will be offering a new course for county commissioners, staff and others for Spring 2014.  Course Title Protecting Your Community from Natural Disasters: A Guide to Flood Insurance & Flood Mitigation Programs In 2012, Congress passed the Biggert-Waters Florida Insurance Reform Act.  Key provisions of the legislation require the…

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ICMA Manager Evaluations Handbook

ICMA offers a complimentary handbook to highlight the value of a formal manager evaluation process and to assist local elected officials in the design of an effective evaluation tool. Local Government managers and administrators are encouraged to reference and review the handbook with an eye toward working with their elected bodies to develop formal, mutually-agreed…

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Funding Opportunity: Transportation investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant Program

The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER Discretionary Grant program, provides a unique opportunity for the U.S. Department of Transportation to invest in road, rail, transit and port projects that promise to achieve critical national objectives. Applicants must submit final applications through by April 28, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. EDT. The “Apply”…

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FCCMA 2014 Annual Conference

Don’t miss the Florida City and County Management Association’s annual conference at the Hilton Orlando in Orlando. The theme of this year’s conference is Building Trust and Confidence in Local Government. Kirk Lippold, Commanding Officer of the USS Cole from 1999 to 2001, believes that real leaders aren’t just the people at the top; they…

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North Miami Beach Onsite Training Session

Don’t miss the onsite training session that will be held in North Miami Beach on March 14 from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Marjory and William McDonald Center, 17051 NE 19th Avenue. The session will review trends in technology and help participants consider steps to “stay ahead of the curve.”   How do we…

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The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. Jason Bowles, District V, Senior Management Fellow, City of Fort Lauderdale, Student Member; Evelyn Calderon, District VI, Master’s of Public Administration, Florida Gulf Coast University,…

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