FCCMA Training in Plantation

FCCMA held a training on March 29th in Plantation on “Enhancing Education in Your Community: Using a Business Action Team.” Attendees were provided an overview of how the public education systems affected their communities and their ability to attract quality business. They learned how and why businesses, cities, counties and school boards need to work…

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April 2019 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he will be invoiced for dues. Christia Alou, District V, Village Manager, Village of El Portal, Full Member; Andy Brooks, District III, Administrative Services Director, City of Casselberry, Affiliate Member;…

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Maria Menendez, Former Assistant Manager

How long have you been a FCCMA member and why did you join? Five years. To expand my network and to gain training and education in my field. Are you an ICMA member, why did you join, and how long have you been a member? Yes. Same reason I joined FCCMA. Over 10 years. Please…

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March 2019 President’s Message

I write to you this month with the realization my term as FCCMA President is coming to an end soon. It’s been a great experience for me in any number of ways and you’ve made it well worth the time required to serve. In March I had the pleasure of serving as the Chairperson of…

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District V Training in Pinecrest

On Friday March 22, District V held a training event in PInecrest.  The topic was “Mindfulness.” The group learned techniques to help them put aside distractions, be present, focused and in-the-moment.  Attendees enjoyed the opportunity to network and meet others engaged in local government work.  Keep a look out for more great training programs like…

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Strategic Community Engagement

By Russ Blackburn, City Manager and Kate Parmelee, Strategic Initiatives Director, City of Port St. Lucie The future of our cities and counties are shaped by those who live there today.  An ongoing challenge for local government leaders is finding ways to effectively engage residents so we can ensure our services and policies reflect their…

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