MPA Night at USF

USF is holding an MPA night on April 11th and encourages FCCMA members to attend. If you are interested in attending the MPA Night at the University of South Florida, please email Stephen Aiken at for an official invitation.

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Every City’s Data Matters! Make sure your city is included

Need to know how many cities in your population range have the same form of government as your city? Wonder how many cities in your region contract out their fire services and to what entity? Searching for the average surcharge imposed by cities that provide water service to neighboring jurisdictions? Trying to draft an ethics…

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March 2018 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. Douglas Baber, District IV, Human Resources Manager, St. Lucie County, Affiliate Member; Laura Karpaviciute, District V, Management Analyst, City of Tamarac, Affiliate Member; Tonya Elliott Moore,…

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February 2018 President’s Message

In these times of political controversy at all levels of government, the great work of so many hard working, dedicated and professional public servants often goes unnoticed. However, you have two opportunities coming up that you can use to refocus some of the public’s attention to the good things that are being done. These include…

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Looking to Hiring Someone?

The Student Council Sub-Committee has recently attended job fairs at the University of North Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University. This gave FCCMA the chance to share not only opportunities in local government through internships, part-time and/or full-time employment, but also the importance of local government management, FCCMA as an organization, and how to access…

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Growth Management Workshops

Growth Management Workshops will be held in March in Broward County. On Thursday, March 22, there will be a planning administration best practices series. On Friday, March 23, there will be a growth management planning officials symposium. Gene Boyles, Senior Fellow of the Program for Resource Efficient Communities, University of Florida, will be the presenter.…

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