Resume Reviews at 2014 Annual Conference

Are you curious to know if your resume has what it takes to get an interview?  Colin Baenziger, Baenziger and Associates; Renee Narlock, Bob Murray and Associates; Jim Mercer, Mercer Group; and Bob Slavin, Slavin and Associates, professional recruiters, have offered their time at conference to meet one-on-one with attendees, by appointment.  They will review…


May 2014 New Members

The following membership applications have been received. If no current member comes forth with a reason why these applicants should not be approved as members, he/she will be invoiced for dues. Steve Botelho, District VI, CFMO/Acting Assistant County Administrator, Sarasota County, Full Member; Bonnie Dhonau, District VII, Director of Administration, Indian Shores, Affiliate Member; Joe Griffin,…


In Memoriam of Eugene Moody

Eugene Moody, former Range Rider of FCCMA, passed away on April 8, 2014 in Vero Beach, FL. Eugene graduated from the University of Michigan in 1949 with a Masters of Public Administration. He served as city manager in Freemont, MI and Bloomington, IL. He was elected President of the Illinois City Managers Association in 1964.…


FCCMA Members-in-Transition (MIT) Committee

This is the sixth article in a series of articles about the FCCMA committees. Be a part of the great work that FCCMA does through its committees by signing up for a committee that interests you. This committee still needs another member. Most committee work is done via conference call. The FCCMA staff will contact all…


Finding Solutions at Conference

Learning isn’t limited to sessions. This year’s exhibit hall has been reworked into a smaller Good Idea Center with more new ideas and products than ever before. This year we have a lot of new companies with new ideas and products (35 of them – or 43% of the hall). Time has been set aside on…


Tangible and Intangible: The Benefits of Networking

by Lynn Tipton, Executive Director With just over five weeks until the FCCMA Annual Conference, you might have the registration information email tagged to your “to do” list.  You might be debating whether you can afford to attend (both financially and in terms of your time).  I realize that fiscal constraints are still evidenced across…


FCCMA Ethics Webinar Series

This is a two-part webinar series that will be held in April and May. All FCCMA webinars are free. The April webinar will be held April 17, 2014 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. C. Christopher Anderson, General Counsel for the Florida Commission on Ethics will cover: “Florida Local Government Ethics Part 1: Understanding the…


FCCMA Membership Committee

This is the fifth article in a series of articles about the FCCMA committees. Be a part of the great work that FCCMA does through its committees by signing up for a committee that interests you. This committee still needs another member. Most committee work is done via conference call. The Membership Committee will set goals…


Interpersonal Leadership and The New Order of Things

If you are attending the annual conference, you will not want to miss the pre-conference workshop that will be held on Wednesday from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. This is an ICMA University Workshop session taught by Dave Limardi. FCCMA is able to offer this workshop at a much lower price than you would pay…


FCCMA Legislative Committee

This is the fourth article in a series of articles about the FCCMA committees. Be a part of the great work that FCCMA does through its committees by signing up for a committee that interests you. This committee still needs another member. Most committee work is done via conference call. The Legislative Committee is responsible for…


Florida Benchmarking Consortium 2014 Conference

Don’t miss the FBC Annual Spring Conference! This year’s conference will look at how data driven organizations have achieved success; whether they are a Fortune 500 company or a local government department.  There are many sources for inspiration and insight . . . there is no limit to what innovations can be achieved with some…
