In June, the ICMA Executive Board approved a statement and provided six initial action steps to address systemic racism. That topic, along with other systematic challenges related to diversity and inclusion, will be discussed at the upcoming FCCMA board meeting. The goal of these discussions is for the board to provide a set of action items that provide clarity on how your association is taking on these issues.
Speaking of ICMA, I want to encourage the entire membership to take part in the upcoming conference “Unite: A Digital Event,” which ICMA is holding in lieu of the annual conference this year. While the COVID-19 pandemic did not allow us to meet in person in May, this digital event is an opportunity for all of us all to further our professional development. Additionally, ICMA has structured the event in such a way that allows professionals throughout our organizations the opportunity to attend. This has the potential to be a great opportunity to introduce some of our employees to different perspectives and to give them an opportunity to provide us with some new ones as well.
Finally, I want to remind you that members must complete their mandatory ethics training by September 30, which is fast approaching! For those who I have just sent into a panic because in-person training is a rare thing these days, remember that you can meet our ethics commitment in many ways. You can read a book on ethics or take part in a virtual ethics training. Perhaps the best thing in our current state is to just have some conversations with your fellow administrators about ethics issues. We are in a different space right now, and I want to encourage you to explore and embrace the “weird” and share the new perspectives that will no doubt accompany it. Stay strong for your communities and engaged with your colleagues. And remember, we are all in this together!